The ability to create and track use by dates, buy and sell products by weight and/or volume, read or create barcodes, deal with different
pack sizes and comprehensive special pricing are a few examples of features in the core ABM system that are a necessity for the food
Taking the core, we then fit a package around each business, no matter where they are in the food chain. From manufacture, through
wholesale and distribution and ending with the sale to the consumer, ABM will add value to your business. Packages add on modules,
such as manufacturing, warehousing, point of sale and E-commerce/webshop, as required.
The ability to use other tools, such as EDI, to automatically communicate with customers or suppliers, Fixed Asset Management and the
ability for ABM to be customised, extends the feature set for any business size. ABM also comes as Small Business Edition to suit the
smaller business. Add ABM Billfeeds to automatically read and process supplier invoices to further improve business efficiencies.
ABM provides for multiple locations. For exporting and importing customers, suppliers and bank accounts can be held in foreign
currencies. Talk to us today about how ABM can work for your business.